Plants Drinking Water Easy Experiment

From toddlers to older kids, this little experiment is fun and a little magical. I did this experiment with my 2 year old and she easily grasped that plants drink water, just like we do! You could also find some great resources about plants absorbing water and nutrients for older kiddos, or just keep it fun and simple and enjoy great colorful bouquets all throughout your house!
One of my favorite things about this little experiment is that we noticed change within just 30 minutes, though the dramatic changes happened over the course of 48 hours. Enjoy the changes over time with your little one and check on your color changing flowers often to see the joy on their faces.

White flowers
Glass/Clear jars
Food coloring

Fill each of your glass/clear vases with enough water for plants to reach.
Add food coloring to each vase. It is good to vary your different colors to see which colors show up quicker than others. Allow your little one to learn what colors make others, like yellow and blue make green. (Note: the colors show up a lot quicker if you put A LOT of food coloring in. My toddler put in so much color to one vase, you could hardly see light through it. The flowers in that vase changed color the quickest.)
Cut flowers to fit in vases and distribute. (I used some flowers from the store and some from my garden. It was fun to see what flowers changed quicker than others with the varying types).
Put them up in a row all in one spot to see which colors appear first and other observations. (You're little scientist can even write in a notebook their observations).
Enjoy some fun new colored flowers!